Flight of the Secretary Bird (Copy)

A secretary bird is like an eagle on stilts. The National Bird of Post-Apartheid South Africa, it hunts snakes in the grass. There are scores of poisonous snakes in Africa. There are many snakes in the grass, in America. One must watch for them, calmly, neutralize their venom, and extract what nourishing knowledge you can from the experience.


I was raised in a form of Afrocentrity that held that Christianity was an African religion, devised under a time of Roman occupation, therefore European domination. Ieshua conceived of a practical every day response to Roman oppression. One might consider contemporary America to be a combination of the cruelty of Rome, with the technology of Egypt.

An indigenous African response integrating the Sacred Feminine, natural world, with the spiritual one. Not Dominating the natural and human worlds with exploitive extractive oppression. That is preserve the natural world, your breathing air, your drinking water, the health of your body, your mental, emotional and spiritual health, and that of your relatives.

Rather than extracting profit for a few, while polluting the drinking water and air of the many: Environmental Justice. The secretary bird doesn’t just concern itself with visible snakes in the grass, but the invisible one’s as well. You suffer because you love what deceives you, and the snakes are poisoning you with their venom, while you are unaware. Why not have zero emission factories, as well as cars, as the standard? Why not promote Skills of Self Healing, rather than Pills. One could be angry, but “Seek Knowledge Before Vengeance”. Let’s Begin.